In 2016, the
Zeppelin Hangar in Rio de Janeiro completed 80 years of construction, a
building that has been preserved and in use until today, thanks to the
Aeronautics of Brazil. The command of the Santa Cruz Air Base (where the Hangar
is) invited Jobson Figueiredo to celebrate the 80th Anniversary of the Zeppelin
Hangar. The invitation was given because Jobson Figueiredo was the restaurateur
of the Zeppelin Tower in Recife, he is a great studious
of the dirigibles, besides collector, perhaps the greater in Brazil, of objects
related to the Zeppelins and the Great World Wars.
For the commemoration, Jobson organized the book “In the sky of Rio: historical
records of Zeppelin in Rio de Janeiro”, where the historian Helton Cezário and
designer Igor Colares also signed the texts. The book carries rare and
historical images of the Jobson Figueiredo Collection and some of the Santa
Cruz Air Base Collection. These are pictures that bring the memory from the
very first passage of the LZ-127 Graf Zeppelin to the trips of the LZ-129
Hindenburg in the Wonderful City. Aerial views of a developing Rio de Janeiro,
internal photos of the aircraft and the hangar make up its pages; it is
available in three languages: Portuguese, German and English.
To purchase the book, click here.
Taking advantage of the celebratory space, an exhibition was also organized
with selected items from the Jobson Figueiredo Collection. The exhibition
featured original Hindenburg porcelains, postcards, stamps, period mail, books,
medals among others (92 items in total). Rare objects that guard Zeppelin's
memory, document its trajectory and still represents
possibilities for the future.
To watch the video, click here.