• Delivers Lecture in the Auditorium of the Alliance Française - "The Sculptural and Symbolic Art of Camille Claudel".
Delivers Lecture at Escolinha de Arte do Recife "The Artwork in Buildings", Recife,
• 1st Week of Brazilian Culture at Ginásio Pernambucano (in commemoration of the 172 years of the Ginásio Pernamb); delivers lecture: "Sculpture as Expression of a People's Culture", Recife-PE.
• "First Visual Artists Workshop of Fernando de Noronha" coordenated by Ida Korossy and Ariandna Sampaio, Fernando de Noronha-PE.
• Trainer workshops at “V Encontro Técnico, Aspectos Éticos e Estéticos no campo das Altas Habilidades”, Catholic University of Pernambuco - UNICAP, Recife - PE.
• Teaches carving and sculpture in praxiterapia sector of Tamarineira Hospital, Recife-PE.
Teaches carving and sculpture in praxiterapia sector of Jung Institute - Rest
Home, Recife - PE.
• Participates in the 1st Symposium of Interior Design and psychodynamics of colors, Recife - PE.
Teaches drawing and carving at Centro de Artes Infanto - Juvenil, Recife-PE.