- Exhibition "Esculturas na Praça", Derby Square, Recife-PE.
- Exhibition "Esculturas na Praça", Rupública Square, Recife-PE.
- "Encontro com a Arte e Cultura Pernambucana" Studio Spazio, Rome - Italy.
- "Visual Print / Digital Printing", Lula Cardoso Ayres Art Gallery, Recife-PE.
- "Exposição Nacional de Arte Correio" Biblioteca Popular de Casa Amarela, Recife-PE.
- “1ª Panorâmica Pernambucana da Escultura e do Objeto”, Lula Cardoso Ayres Gallery, Recife-PE.
- "Arte em Tapumes", mural of Itaú, Entroncamento Square, Recife-PE.
- Auction for support Woyzeck, Lula Cardoso Ayres Gallery, Recife-PE.
- "Coletiva Studio Armando Borges 2", Maceió-AL.
- Collection of lithographs "ERÓTIPOS".
- "XXXIX Salão de Artes Plásticas de Pernambuco", Convention Center, Recife-PE.
- Produced the “Monument in Tribute to the Soldier Dead on Duty Compliance”. Made of cement and concrete, the monument is located in front of the Quartel do Derby on a platform and has the inscription: "Here lies the man, here born the hero."
- Sculpture for building in polyester resin and concrete “Eclosão I”, Ed. Villandry, Av. Boa Viagem, 4752, Recife - PE.
- Sculpture for building in polyester resin, iron and water "Homage to Bridget Hiley" inner courtyard of the factory Norgrafe, Recife-PE.
- Panels and sculptures for building made in fiberglass, resin and light, Seychelles Hotel, Olinda-PE.