- CASA COR 98, participates in the sculpture exhibition in ambience project of ACL&T Arquitetos Associados, Recife-PE.
- "Movimento de Valorização da Arte ", collective exhibition in celebration of the brazilian Day of visual artist (May 8). Shopping Guararapes, Jaboatão dos Guararapes-PE.
- "Recife: Praças, Parques e Jardins" at Rodrigues Art Gallery, Recife-PE.
- "Semana de Arte do Instituto Capibaribe " - Graças, Recife-PE.
- Auction Movement Pernambuco Solidary Art "A FOME TEM PRESSA" - Blue Angel, Recife-PE.
- Art auction at Escolinha de Arte do Recife - AABB, Recife-PE.
- Bronze piece production "Spontaneous Architecture - the remains are the beginning of everything."
- Make bronze pieces (plate and coat) for Brum Station (Justice Memorial), Recife-PE.